Best Sake Brewery Opening & Tasting in Aichi Feb. 25 & 26

Learn how sake is made and taste the results in this 170-year-old brewery.

Thousands of sake lovers flock to Tokoname’s Sawada Brewery every February to taste and take home its limited runs and first sakes of the year. This weekend, Feb. 25 and 26, the brewery, also known for its brand Hakuro, will be open to the public and visitors can take a free tour of its facilities, learn how sake is made and taste a few of the 20 sakes in the tasting area for one thousand yen.

Tokoname City’s Sawada Shuzo (Sake Brewery) offers free tours with a cup of sake, and tastings once a year.

Photo by George Van Horn 2018

The 150-year-old brewery has installed a new koji learning area inside the two-floor brewery so visitors can learn the impact of how types of rice mold affect the flavor of sake. No shoes are allowed during the tour, so warm socks are recommended to keep your feet warm as you take the tour in supplied slippers.

The Nagoya Times 2018

The free tour of the brewery starts with a complimentary cup of sake including a choice of non-alcohol amazake, and visitors are then left to explore on their own. Staff are located at different parts of the brewery and visitors can learn about types of rice, koji, vats, and other equipment and ask questions to staff at different parts of the brewery.

Photo by George Van Horn 2018

The highlight for many visitors is the tasting area and Sawada’s website says it will offer twenty varieties including freshly brewed seasonal sakes and new lines. In the past Sawada offered unlimited tasting but this year it has instituted a ticket system. This used to be a great way to taste sake and meet other sake lovers from Aichi, but new COVID rules are being asked to be respected. The tasting area is divided into four areas for aromatic, mature, light and heavy sakes.

At 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. exclusive sales of fresh brewed limited runs of 200 bottles each time will be offered for sale. So, bring some extra cash to take home a bottle of the sake you fell in love with, a bottle very few others will have.Also included for the first time is an area for twelve vendors of local Aichi goods.

Photo by George Van Horn 2018

Access: Take a Meitetsu train or car to Tokonamae Station. Free 10-minute shuttle buses depart every 30 minutes from both Tokoname Station and the brewery starting from 9:15 a.m. Last bus departs Sawada Brewery at 3:10 p.m. The event opens at 9:30 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m. both days. Google Map Link