Tebasaki Summit Serves Up Food and Fun This Weekend

The 8th Aichi Meshi Food Festival is on Friday to Sunday

The 8th Tebasaki Summit on June 2 through June 5, 2022

The eighth Tebasaki Summit kicked off with a speech from Mayor Kawamura on Friday evening at the Edion Hisaya Park in Central Park in Nagoya. 12 chicken wing vendors from around Japan and Indonesia along with 10 Aichi food vendors are selling their delicacies all weekend.

The Tebasaki Summit mascot was around for handshakes and photos.

Four previous award winners returned, including Gifu-based Katchibun Shoten with their gold prize winning tulip chicken legs priced at two for 330 yen.

Gold Medal winner Kachibun Shoten had the longest line but worth the wait.

32 entertainers and music groups are scheduled throughout the event. Various informational and promotional tents are also at the Summit, including a tent selling tickets to the sumo Nagoya Summer Basho in July.

Nao from Toribeer serving free chicken soup at the 8th Tebasaki Summit June 4, 2022.

The last Tebasaki Summit was held in 2019 and drew over 100,000 visitors according to the Tebasaki Summit Committee that organizes the event. COVID-19 restrictions prevented the organizers from holding the event over that last 2 years.